Men In Progress


One shirt at a time. One jeans at a time.
JULES changes from fast fashion to better fashion.

Change doesn’t happen overnight. Born in the Fast Fashion era, JULES is the biggest fashion retailer for men. But today, consumers are more and more conscious about their shopping habits. And if JULES wanted to survive, they needed to change their entire business model. Which they did. Step by step. And the first step was to launch their sustainable label instore. Which we named “in progress” — an easy way to recognize if your chosen item is sustainable or not.

To reflect JULES' path towards better fashion, we redesigned the whole shopping experience with a totally new branding, using “sustainability” at the core of our thinking. Bio cotton bags, using recycled t-shirts as construction materials, the use of local furniture and bio cotton bags — everything has been thought about to create a more positive impact.

The next step was to bring every man into our story and create a movement of men who are conscious, positive, sensitive and ready to embrace change.


Welcome to Men in Progress.

Talking about masculinity isn't an easy topic, even in 2021. Yet, JULES wanted to open the debate even further. That’s why teamed up with Ben Névert, a famous French YouTuber and creator of "Entre Mecs" where a group of friends discussed various topics related to masculinity, such as " masculinity in Advertising", "men and their feelings", "men and their sexuality",…

Carbon Neutral Lookbook


The next step was to change the way we shoot our LookBook.

We no longer fly to South Africa, we’re now shooting in France only.

And let’s be honest, France has it all. Next to that, every shoot is now CO2 neutral thanks to our very own Carbon neutralizer tool.

A smell of change.


Smell like a man, man.

Ok. But actually… What is it to smell like a man?

That’s why we created, designed and launched a new fragrance “Bon Homme” questioning everything we know about what it means to smell like a man.

Du prêt-à-porter, désormais



Day by day, JULES clothing line becomes more a more sustainable. And in 2021, JULES launched its first 100% recycled jeans. To celebrate this great innovation, we came up with another one. By placing the label that is normally hidden on the inside, on the outside of the jeans. This way we invite all the men in progress to wear this label with pride.

Next Cases
The last 10 meters

Tomorrow will be great. Don't drive after drinking today.


Whatever you’re afraid of. We’ve got your back.

Influenceur d'une mode meilleure

La mode de demain, c’est une mode responsable.