Made Neo


Get money skilled with the first banking app for teens.


An exciting new generation of young banking clients with a can-do-will-do teen spirit is emerging. Yet too little solutions are at hand to help them navigate the world of finance with confidence.  


Unlike any other bank,Rise has been built for a new generation by a new generation. And this generation can take on any crazy challenges. So why not the one about their money?


The campaign resulted in an open-minded and inclusive campaign who’s encouraging kids to think about their money. After the first month, +6000 users are already getting money savvy.
And that’s crazy.

Next Cases
Always Welcome

Born to be wild or Born to be mild ?

La fête des darons

À tous les darons, les père(s), les beaux-pères et les mères qui jouent au père aussi.

Le Soir

We’ve never been so much informed. But also disinformed.